Most Common Issues for New Builds
Posted in: Commercial,Residential
On October 18, 2021

Although you might like the thought of getting a completely new and modern home, new builds come with their own set of problems. Then, if you are thinking of investing in a new build over an older alternative that might need numerous repairs, here are the most common issues at The Architecture Designs that you should be aware of:


Most Common Issues for New Builds


You might think that your plumbing will go like clockwork since it has only just been installed, but this is not always the case. Instead, the owners of newly built homes often find that they are up against a range of plumbing issues such as blocked pipes and drains, leaking and dripping taps, and slow drainage. If these plumbing issues are beginning to affect your quality of life, you should consider contacting Maintracts, who will be able to fix many of the plumbing problems that occur in new build homes and conduct maintenance that can stop issues from happening again. 

Structural Issues

Most Common Issues for New Builds


One of the most common issues for new builds, though, is structural and foundation issues, which often occur because the house has been put up too quickly or with a lack of skill. Some of the signs of structural issues that you may notice include cracks on your walls, bulging walls, or doors and windows that are sticking when you try to close them. If structural issues in your home are starting to become apparent, this does not mean that you will have to move out of your new build, though. Instead, you may be able to call in a professional who can use pinning and steel-enforced anchors to help to prevent the problems from progressing.

Poorly Sealed Windows and Doors

Most Common Issues for New Builds


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Many people start to notice drafts in their new build homes or condensation around the windows. If this is the case, this could be because your windows and doors have been poorly sealed. If this is left to continue, you may find that damp and mold begins to grow in your home and that you are starting to waste a lot of energy on heating your home. Then, you should reseal your windows yourself; many people with minimal DIY skills are able to do this without contacting a pro.


Most Common Issues for New Builds


Many new builds have a lack of insulation in their attics and garages, or this is poorly installed. When this happens, you may find that you struggle to stay comfortable in your home as the temperature can drop suddenly, especially in winter, and it can be difficult to keep heat trapped within your home. Then, you should look into getting your insulation replaced, as this will help to keep your home toasty no matter what the weather is like outside your front door. 

Building a home or investing in a new build is a big commitment that can be dampened by a number of common issues. However, most of these can be sorted out as soon as you spot them, and so it is important that you inspect your home often for any problems.

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