30 Most Navy Blue Bathroom Vanities You Shouldn't Miss
Posted in: Bathroom
On September 11, 2018

The blue color is the color of nature, which denote the gigantic sky and the endless ocean. Selecting the shades for the bathroom is a tough job to accomplish. Blue comes in many different shades such as royal blue, turquoise blue, navy blue, oceanic blue, cobalt blue etc. Cobalt blue or navy blue bathroom gives a magnificent appeal.

navy blue bathroom vanity

Source: in.pinterest.comnavy blue bathroom vanitySource: thrashersoperahouse.comnavy blue bathroom vanitySource: thrashersoperahouse.com

You can paint the entire wall in the bathroom in blue or can use two shades contrasting to each other. Dark color blue marble can be used as a highlighter. The features like the birth tub, basin, and the toilet seat look nice in blue color in white background wall.

Choosing one style for your whole home decorating, the most likely you will want to complete your kitchen and bathroom in the same color. Navy blue kitchen cabinets look as elegantly as crafted blue bathrooms if they are made of quality materials by skilled kitchen cabinet makers. The versatile navy blue color works well for kitchens as it is easy to maintain and looks good with standard kitchen appliances. Like a bathroom, a kitchen with navy blue cabinets looks luxurious and modern.

navy blue bathroom vanitySource: vivapack.netnavy blue bathroom vanitySource: ccamain.org

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navy blue bathroom vanitySource: justhomeit.com

The dark shade absorbs light so it is necessary to set the light in every dark corner of the bathroom. Navy blue bathroom vanity looks stylish in the bathrooms. The large size mirror looks beautiful in the blue wall. The mirror reflects light which makes the bathroom appear bright and vivid.

navy blue bathroom vanitySource: goghdesign.comnavy blue bathroom vanitySource: applemania.infonavy blue bathroom vanitySource: madrigalibz.com

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Modern interior design false ceiling attached in the top of the bathroom. The navy blue ceiling top adds a dramatic attire in the bathrooms. Golden or white borders, pattern or texture can add extra charm to the bathroom. You can nurture your creativity with the navy blue color in the bathroom.

navy blue bathroom vanitySource: thrashersoperahouse.comnavy blue bathroom vanitySource: gallifreywho.comnavy blue bathroom vanitySource: signaturehardware.com

Traditional Morocco interior design is used blue as the permanent base color. Coastal theme houses are prefer blue to match the beach environment. Blue crystal stone can be used as a curtain to make separation from the shower zone. You can also use blue beads or flower to decorate the bathroom. Blue lilies and carnation add freshness to the bathroom.

navy blue bathroom vanitySource: lifeunscriptedphoto.conavy blue bathroom vanitySource: thrashersoperahouse.comnavy blue bathroom vanitySource: virginiavirtual360.comnavy blue bathroom vanitySource: ronbow.comnavy blue bathroom vanitySource: cittahomes.comnavy blue bathroom vanitySource: stevelucasdesign.comnavy blue bathroom vanitySource: seeur.comnavy blue bathroom vanitySource: htsrec.comnavy blue bathroom vanitySource: gobathroomvanitycabinets.comnavy blue bathroom vanitySource: networldingblog.comnavy blue bathroom vanitySource: signaturehardware.comnavy blue bathroom vanitySource: atcharlotteshouse.comnavy blue bathroom vanitySource: madrigalibz.comnavy blue bathroom vanitySource: theimpatientgardener.comnavy blue bathroom vanitySource: gobathroomvanitycabinets.comnavy blue bathroom vanitySource: virginiavirtual360.comnavy blue bathroom vanitySource: in.pinterest.comnavy blue bathroom vanitySource: thrashersoperahouse.com

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