Are Succulents Good for the Home?
Posted in: Home Decor,Home Improvement
On July 21, 2020

When considering whether to jump on the trend and to buy a succulent a common question is “are succulent good for the home”? The answer is yes! Not only are succulents aesthetically beautiful, but they also provide numerous health benefits. Below we will outline the 5 ways in which succulents are great for the home at thearchitecturedesigns. If you’re considering a succulent purchase then check out Succulent Market! They have a wide variety of succulents available for sale for great prices.

Air Purification



One of the primary ways succulents can elevate your home is by their ability to purify the air. As succulents go through the process of photosynthesis, they absorb carbon dioxide from the air in your home and release fresh oxygen. This increases the oxygen levels in your home allowing for fresh oxygenated air to permeate throughout your home.




Another way succulents can improve your home is through humidity. Succulents have the ability to increase the humidity within a home. Succulents undergo a process called transpiration. Transpiration is when the water that succulent plants absorb in their roots evaporates off of their leaves. This process of transpiration increases the humidity within a home. This is important because academic studies have shown that humidity decreases the ability of the flu virus to survive and spread. In the midst of COVID 19 or Coronavirus, this makes a succulent an essential addition to any home.

Drought Tolerance



Succulents enhance your home because of their ability to survive long periods of time with very little water. Most ornamental plants require constant water and attention, succulents do not. It is incredibly easy to water succulents. All you have to do is wait for the soil to become completely dry, before drenching the soil with water. This means that you will only have to water your succulents every 3 weeks to once every month. With such little time having to care and learn how to care for indoor succulents, this means that your indoor succulent will survive and not die.

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Mental Health



Multiple academic studies show that plants reduce stress and anxiety and promote mood, concentration, and productivity. This makes a succulent plant perfect for any home because it will boost the overall positivity and bliss of your home. In addition, succulents bring a fresh feeling that is desperately needed by most homes. One aspect of interior design that tends to be neglected are plants. Often times, most homes fail to incorporate plants. This is unfortunate because succulents promote numerous positive mental health benefits. Indoor plants have such a positive effect on our overall mood and productivity. At a time when we are spending more time than ever at home, it is important to incorporate plants into all of our homes.

Succulents are Beautiful 



The final reason why you should use succulents for your home is simply because succulents are both modern and beautiful. Succulents have a modern organic feel that will bring both a warmth and freshness to your home. Succulents have become incredibly popular because of their whimsical shapes and colors. The wide range of colors, shapes, and sizes of all succulents means that they can be used in any home. Ultimately it would be unwise to not consider these unique and beautiful plants for any home.

If you’re convinced that you need to add succulents to your home check out Succulent Market. They have a wide variety of succulents for sale that will make a great addition to your home.

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