Australia’s First Carbon and Neutral Pixel Building
Posted in: Architecture
On September 12, 2020

Escalating greenhouse gasses is impacting hazardous brunt on nature; it is presently going on mounting day – by – day, proviso we did not seize any actions towards it subsequently undeniably one day we will mislay several natural things commencing in this world. Carbon plays a vital role in increasing the pollution, also each and everything in this world confiscate carbon footprint, somehow we have to lessen those carbon footprint for providing a better living environment to one and all who are alive (humans, animals, fishes, etc.), it is been accomplished from an assessment that almost 42% carbon footprints are allied to construction sites, buildings, monuments, etc. After realizing this now the engineers are revolving normal buildings into green buildings along with some touch of smart technologies which are nowadays in trend and coming up with the utmost upshot; making the tenancy safer and clear for every living organism.

Australia’s First Carbon and Neutral Pixel Building


Ahead of us, it is obligatory for you to cover information regarding green building.

What is a green building? It is a building in which we use the process that is environmentally responsible and uses renewable sources along with the basic requirements of building from designing, constructing, maintaining, operating, deconstructing, and renovating processes. This building meets many achievements like durability, utility, economy, and comfort. They are included in one of the best buildings in the world as they fulfill the future requirements.

Most probably for reducing carbon footprint the material going to be used for these green building constructions are all reused, recycled, and renewable materials. The building will work in a very efficient manner that it generates water and electricity by itself. As we discussed that the project cost will be economical in stipulations of raw supplies prerequisite but it will be costly at the time of installing smart technologies but somehow both of them are brought to an apposite and affordable level. Green building will also help in civilizing environmental, economical, and social factors.

Australia’s First Carbon and Neutral Pixel Building


Australia boasts approach up with an initiative and introduced pixel building, which is a modified version of green buildings. You might be wondering now what is pixel building? Pixel is a prototype of commercial buildings, which meets the prerequisite of upcoming needs too by plummeting the paramount carbon footprint, making the environment safer and carbon gratis. Not only has this it met the analytical applications of new technologies in that particular quarter. Despite the fact that to make carbon gratings we have to rely on renewable sources which are straightforwardly obtainable by nature; one can even define this building as a natural pixel building. It provides several methods to procure the achievements of the Pixel which make it much better than even green buildings. Here we have come up with Australia’s first pixel building, located in Melbourne, Australia, construction completed in July, 2010. Those methods and natural sources which made this building one of the best ones in the world are mentioned below:

  •         Façade
  •         Solar energy
  •         Wind harnessing
  •         Water usage reduction through vacuum toilets
  •         Reduction in waste
  •         Concrete

Let us discuss them in brief so that one could know about how this pixel building in Australia becomes carbon inhibited or carbon constrained.


Australia’s First Carbon and Neutral Pixel Building


Most possibly in daytime there’s an adequate amount of sunlight incident on each and every part and on every body, thus one way to craft building energy efficiently is using the maximum value of natural sunlight and to proscribe the light which uses electrical energy. This is possible only if we have a portico system in our building, façade usually means the things facing roadside, here in the terms of construction we classify it as facing to the sun, but virtually it is not possible that every part gets faced by sunlight, so what to do that we get the natural light source all over the place?

For such purposes, a multifaceted and multi hued façade wraps are to be built, though such wraps are included in one of the best identities of Pixel. The construction is done in the utmost manner that the assembly includes a simple structure made by doing zero waste i.e. take everything as well thought-out, recycled color panels: to provide maximized daylight, shades, views, and frown control. Furthermore those panels are supported with the help of living edge spandrels creating shading that too by providing grey water treatment on the other hand. Not only this; the façade provides a platform to achieve immediate greenery on the every office floor. The wraps created at first plays a vital role during the whole process, thus while constructing a structure to achieve the utmost façade effect you have to be concise will creating wraps for it, once the wraps are created give them a shape in a way that they look ingenious and pioneering, as the wraps are the only one which is going to create a unique individuality for your Pixel.

Solar energy

Australia’s First Carbon and Neutral Pixel Building


As we are talking about the renewable sources so that we can make our building carbon constrained. We discussed the light supply in the daytime but what after evening do you need light? Yes of course it is a basic need but now you would think that you don’t have sunlight to help you out here, what if I say you are wrong? You won’t believe it but you have to. I think you’ve got it right. I’m talking about solar energy as electricity. Though sunlight is helping you in the daytime it is also going to help you in nighttime too, how?

All you need is a simply prepared solar system which collects the energy from the sunlight with the help of solar panels and stores it in a battery or generator with the help of a transmitter fitted in the system. So what basically happens is; at daytime the incident sunlight on solar panels turns it into photovoltaic energy, which then one can utilize it at the nighttime though you don’t have to ask government for the energy which is made by using a lot of carbon footprints, either you can create it yourself which is going to be carbon free and pollution free. Pixels rooftop includes three main systems on it; one is solar panels, other is wind turbines that too for harnessing energy, and the last but not least green roof for harvesting rainwater. Thus, solar panels are installed on the rooftop of Pixel in a manner to obtain utmost energy so that they can get enough energy to use on.

Wind harnessing

Australia’s First Carbon and Neutral Pixel Building


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As we have taught that never ever depend on the weather and climate of your surroundings they can turn anytime and put you in several uncertainties. We have been counting sunlight as the main source of energy and light, but what will happen if there is a rainy day and sunlight does not reach you? Most probably you have to stop working as there’s no source of light and energy. To avoid and to sustain in such conditions the Pixel construction has come up with an alternative solution for the same, it is nothing but wind harnessing or you can state it as wind energy. As we all know that wind is also a renewable source of energy thus using wind is an eco friendly manner of creating energy.

Wind turbines are installed on the rooftop of the Pixel, whenever the wind flows the turbines get charged up and start storing energy which is then converted into electrical source with the help of transmitters and evolvers. The energy harnessed by the wind turbines are considered as a secondary energy source while the primary energy source of the Pixel is sunlight or solar energy. However it is used only if the solar energy gets out of the stock, at that time energy harnessed by wind turbines steps in. Both of the types of creating energy must be installed for achieving the utmost facility; made of carbon constrained equipment.


Australia’s First Carbon and Neutral Pixel Building


For sure we have created the electricity with the help of sun and wind energy, but can we create water? The answer is “NO”, we cannot create but we can use it in a very efficient way, that it does not compromise with the future needs and at the same time it will fulfill the present needs. Now the question arises, how are we going to do this?

Since we discussed earlier about the three main systems on the rooftop of Pixel, we have covered 2/3 systems. The last system is green roof. What is a green roof? A green roof is used for harvesting rainwater; harvesting process is very simple, green roof consists of various types of plants; basically plants soaks up the rainwater which are sufficient for them, after that they discharge the coming rainwater into sewage systems of the building, this sewage system then meets the non-potable requirements of the building. Though it is non – potable it is treated through various processes for better usage. The water coming by harvesting is passed through the process of filtration, and then grey water treatment takes place there in this way we can obtain sub – potable water which is not safe for the drinking purposes but it can be used for cleaning and washing purposes. Furthermore osmosis and RO treatment can be done on it to make it potable; as this process is more time consuming and efficient that one cannot get the sufficient water at the proper time. Thus maximum usage of the harvested water is in using it for industrial purposes or using it for the sewage system of the building. The amount of water depends upon the annual average rainfall procured in Melbourne.

Most probably toilets, basins, and showers are the main source of wasting water in a large amount and anyhow we have to switch it for better usage of water. For that particular reason, Pixel has come up with vacuum toilets and basins. They use the harvested water for sewage in toilets and basins; and due to the vacuum sewage system less amount of water is required for doing the normal activities, which saves a lot of water day – by –day.

Reduction in waste

Australia’s First Carbon and Neutral Pixel Building


Since we have switched to solar and wind energy for creating electricity, we are reducing the cost and waste of fossil fuels which when burnt emits a large amount of carbon along with creating a carbon footprint for a long period. Thus we are successful over here to restrict the carbon totally.

Waste of water is also controlled in a good manner, as we have started harvesting the rainwater for the usage of sewage systems, as sewage uses a large amount of pure and potable water which is then constrained but now potable water can be only used for drinking purposes while sewage purposes will be handled with the help of green roof.

The waste which is created by you during your office hours separates it in two parts: Recyclable and Non-recyclable. Do recycle the maximum amount and if possible then re-use it until it gets totally outdated and needs replacement.

By following this way we can really preserve sufficient fossil fuels, water, and electricity for the future needs, also by doing this it makes us realize that we are moving to a sustainable environment which is free for all and pollution free.

Concrete and material used for constructing

Australia’s First Carbon and Neutral Pixel Building


Anyhow construction needs a bit of carbon footprint but it does not mean that it is consuming a large amount against what we are preserving. Half embodied carbon conventional concrete is used for the construction of Pixel, as no matter can match the pure concrete though half of the concrete is created by waste products and then it is mixed with pure concrete to make the construction stronger and pure, so that it remains durable for a long period. Though the maximum material used for the construction of Pixel is all reused and recycled material.

The last step which one can take individually is spreading awareness about it as much as you can.

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