10 Essential Gardening Tools and What They Do
Posted in: Gardening
On September 12, 2020

We have a wide range of essential gardening tools. It is difficult sometimes to get the best tools for your small projects in your garden. However, there are many gadgets, tools, and accessories that could help when working in the garden or lawn. Look at the list below:

1. Weed Puller

gardening tool

source: lcpshop.net

Pesky weeds are an eyesore and can be hard to pull with your hands. Spending all day squatting and bending is not the way to go. You could have many tools in your farm store for this purpose but there are those which can perform better. There are those which are designed specifically for weeding.

Weed pullers come in various designs. However, the purpose is the same. Do some entanglement of the weed with the teeth of the puller. The weed is then clamped or twisted and then pulled. Most modern pullers have a leverage bar for angular pulls. Ensure that the weed comes out with roots.

2. Hand rake

This is used when you are working in a relatively small portion of your garden. You probably do not want to damage those small plants that are tender or those that are germinating.

Hand rakes work the same way those larger ones do. They are made in different styles and designs though. They handle simple jobs within a small scale farm. Go for hand rakes with flexible tines. They will assist you in clearing or gathering small objects such as debris and wooden pieces. If you aim at breaking soil into manageable pieces, you probably need steel hand rakes that are of heavy-duty and have a stiff tine.

3. Digging spade

gardening tool

source: gardeningknowhow.com

You need a digging spade which is decent. Use a stainless steel spade for this purpose and you will reap the benefits. This is because if you choose an ordinary spade, it will easily rust and have soil stuck on it. This will call for extra working energy and unnecessary force to be used. Steel spades will stay smooth all the way.

4. Garden Trowel

Hand forks and garden trowels are the most commonly used tools in many gardens today. Choose a hand fork or garden trowel that has a comfy handle. The blade should also be well fixed so that it does not loosen up easily. A garden trowel is used for transplanting seedlings and other plants. Its handle is so comfortable. It also has a handle made of ash timber. The stainless steel blade whose depths are etched into the face gives it the best performance ever!

5. Dandelion digger

When you want to remove large weeds in huge amounts, a weed puller will assist you. In case smaller weeds exist within your plants, a finesse tool is all you need for the task. We are talking about a weed puller which is handheld. This is a dandelion digger.

Weed pullers of a larger size work just the same way the smaller ones do. This is by entangling weeds using teeth to remove the roots together with the whole plant. Dandelions look exactly like flathead screwdrivers. The only difference is that the tip is split to allow it to entangle weeds. They are pushed down on the weeds. The dandelion is then twisted and the weed is pulled.

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6. Garden knife

gardening tool

source: gardeningknowhow.com

You may have small plants, sticks, strings, fruits, and flowers. Depending on which plants you have, a garden knife is ideal for cutting them especially when you want to trim vegetables and fruits. Keep one in your garden trug or pocket.

7. Garden secateurs

Pruning is indispensable if you want to have a perfect growth for your plants and for maintaining your garden perfectly well. You need to have good secateurs.

8. Bow saw

If your loppers can’t handle larger sizes of plants, bow saws are all you require. It is a hand handled saws with sharp teeth. This makes work quicker and easier. It cuts well on 6inch thick branches.

9. Heavy-duty hoe

gardening tool

source: hoedag.com

You perhaps want to break the ground. This is the best tool for the job because it surpasses a shovel or a digging spade. It has a blade set on a right angle with its handle to give it a perfect digging action with less effort. Go for one in your nearest farm store and it will never disappoint you.

10. Oscillating hoe

With its swivel head, an oscillating hoe is just a unique type of goes you’ve ever seen. It is long and handled. You will hoe a place that is completely raised without having to move. Swing into the hoeing action by swiveling its head to cut in a pull and push stroke action and it sharpens itself as you go on.


How do you maintain garden tools?

gardening tool

source: gardenbetty.com

A linseed oil is rubbed on wooden handles. This preserves them big time. Do this every garden season. Loppers, pruners, and shears should be wiped on their parts using a rag they are oily. Sparingly spray a penetrating oil as an alternative after washing and drying the tools with a rag.

What is oil is best for garden tools?

If you want to oil blades and handles of your gardening tools, the most recommended oil is tung or linseed oils. This is because of their quick-drying nature. Alternatively, oil from coconuts and walnuts will work the same way.

How do you move garden tools at home?

gardening tool

source: bobvila.com

Use a vinyl tablecloth, probably an old one, to move your tools, especially those that are heavy, around your small garden. There is a plastic side beneath and on top, rock, mulch, and soil bags are available. Instead of carrying everything around, have everything puller around using a vinyl tablecloth. It does work faster by carrying all objects at once.

How do you garden without tools?

Newspapers are important if you want to create an area for planting without having to dig. You need to mow the garden area in the shortest way possible. The area should be covered with newspapers of 6 layers or more. Place adequate mulch, soil, or composite to hold the newspapers firmly in place. The papers will smother all grass and weeds in just a few months. The whole area will be decayed leaving it with bare soil.

Final word

gardening tool

source: gardenista.com

Getting started is not a walk in the park because it is hard to get the know-how. Even those with enough experience will only succeed in garden work if they have the right information and tools. The above information will be of great help as you explore the possibility of becoming a champion in gardening.

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