Music Themed Bedroom for Every Music Lovers
Posted in: BedRoom,Home Decor
On August 11, 2021

What was your first thought when you heard about the music-themed bedroom? Yes! That is an appealing home interior design that is appropriate for you, music lovers.

Everyone, especially music lovers, is getting eager to explore their creativity nowadays, in the midst of bedchamber decoration trends. Here are some music theme home decor ideas for you to try. You will not only acquire a musical pro home decor but also the opportunity to show the world about your love by using music-themed interior designs!

Record On Wall

music theme decor ideas


You can be sure that arranging and nailing the old record albums you have on the wall is a fun concept for your room. Mixing this decor with a country wall design can help to enhance nostalgic vibes.

Music Tone Curtain

Go to your favourite shopping site and look for musical notes curtains similar to this one. Never ever let your music-themed room go unfinished without this window styling!

Spray Wall Art

music theme decor ideas


If you have an outdated musical notes sheet, never toss it away. Simply apply the spray paint and draw a musical note in the centre of it. Then this painting is ready to nicely finish your space.

Dresser Table

If you’re a teen looking for a music-themed bedroom, this DIY dresser is a great option for you. All you have to do is paint your old closet white and draw a musical note that looks like a black love symbol.

Drum Clock

music theme decor ideas


Do you have an old, unused drum that you’re not sure what to do with? You can turn it into a clock face by inserting various gadgets and hour hands.

Cassette Mat

Nobody expects a doormat to become a focal piece in any décor, but it does! It’s no surprise that this retro cassette-style doormat will complement every aspect of your music-themed home decor.

Drum Shelves

Do you require more bathroom shelves? Remove the top of your old bass drum and lay two little wooden pallets in the centre; you now have extra storage!

Music Room Decor

music theme decor ideas


Creating a home music room is the ideal method to indulge in your love while also developing your activity. You can make any room in your house into a music room. Perhaps you own a guest room or spare room, something you might convert into a music room.

Turn your home into a music classroom to share your love of music and performing instruments. You can teach your children, relatives, friends, or anyone else. Set up a demonstration area for you, the teacher. Then, set up another area for your students to play.

Musical Floor Tiles

Another method to integrate music into your house is to use music-themed floor tiles and carpets. Stylish floor tiles and carpets with musical notes and exquisite musical instruments including Saxophone, guitar, vinyl records and piano keys.

Using various styles of melodic tiles in each area, including the bathroom, is a fantastic way to bring a musical ambience to any home.

Write Music On Board

music theme decor ideas


An awesome music room would be incomplete without a wall-mounted chalkboard! Most musicians compose on papers, but why not doodle the tune in your head using chalk? A huge chalkboard can empower you in unleashing your inner Mozart more artistically. However, if you simply want to use the board as wall art, you can draw some instruments or write words from your favourite artists on it. This is a wonderful way to customize your music area and put your own mark on it!

Musical Lighting

The lighting in your home is crucial to making it musical. Install eye-catching musical light fixtures to give your interior the illusion of an auditorium. There are numerous music-themed LED lights,  candles, chandeliers, candle stands, and lamps that can simply bring a musical vibe to your home decor.

You can choose peaceful musical lighting that turns on and flashes in time with the music you play in the room. Musical lights are more enticing than ordinary lights, and they provide a special charm to any interior design.

Musical Inspired Interior

music theme decor ideas


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As music home decor ideas have risen in importance, several furniture designers are designing pieces inspired by musical instruments and melodies. You may find a wide variety of musically inspired furniture online, including guitar tables, beds and sofas, musical note-inspired chairs, drum tables, etc.

Cool Graffiti Time

We can’t think of a better way to spruce up your music area, which was once your garage. Graffiti on garage walls is so trendy and cool! This might also save you money if you have a talent for painting and can do it on your own. Graffiti on grey or brick walls is our favourite. It has a “street” vibe to it and is ideal for you and your gang to groove up.

Musical Posters

music theme decor ideas


Aside from the framed record, a few posters of events you’ve attended, as well as even the tickets, will look spectacular in your musical room.

While posters look nice on their own, you’ll obtain a more sophisticated effect by framing them, especially if your record is already framed on the wall.

We propose that you include some uniqueness on your walls. Even though rock music is your love, if you enjoy other genres, display them on the walls. After all, this area is a glorification of music in all of its forms.

Have Fun With Wall

For the colour of the walls, you have several options. You can paint all of your walls the same colour or use two different colours for each wall. Brown, beige, cream, ivory, charcoal, and greyish are the ideal colours to choose from since they may be used to create some balance with musical notes that can be added later.

You can cover one of your nicest walls with musical theme wallpaper and metal musical notes hanging. The use of musical theme wallpaper gives the room the look of an auditorium.

Musical Shelves

music theme decor ideas


Various music-themed wall shelves can be used to decorate your walls. A musical shelf showcase can be an excellent decorative feature for your home. 

Piano shelves, guitar shelves, Drum shelves, melody tones shelves, and many other sorts of shelves are available for the musically concerned.

Musical shelves can be an excellent decorative piece for showcasing awards, medals, and certificates that you have received throughout your career. On the shelves, you can also display little music artefacts and your favourite music records.


Hopefully, this has given you some opinions for all the incredible music theme home decor ideas or interior designs that you really can add to your new music room to make it your best room in the house.

So, now that you know what you’re doing, go ahead and decorate! We wish you a great time and enjoyment in your beautiful musical room.

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