15+ Outdoor Succulent Garden Ideas On Budget
Posted in: Gardening
On April 15, 2019

You can use old tools instead of new furniture for designing your garden it creates lots of profit can create a beautiful and unique garden. Some of the succulent garden ideas I want to share with you.

Outdoor succulent garden ideas in budgets are as follow:-

succulent garden ideas outdoor


Path of the Chameleon- This garden is shaped like a lizard. i don’t like lizard but I think this is the best design of garden to date. You will need different sizes and have to draw pattern first to do your planting.

succulent garden ideas outdoor

Outdoor Succulent Plant Shelf- If you don’t have enough place then use a old palette convert it into shelf and kept many succulent on it

succulent garden ideas outdoor

Create of Mosaic- if you want to show your garden unique, then you can use different color inside it. Red and green color combination is best and does this with different styles and sizes it looks amazing.

succulent garden ideas outdoor

succulent garden ideas outdoor

Tree Stump Garden- If you want to create a mini fairy and want to showcase them, then you have to use old tree trunk.

succulent garden ideas outdoor


succulent garden ideas outdoor


succulent garden ideas outdoor

Broken Pottery Garden- Instead of throwing the old broken pottery you make a lovely garden with its help. Broken terra cotta provides beautiful and colorful backdrop which is very unique design.

succulent garden ideas outdoor

succulent garden ideas outdoor

Regal Pathways- To make this type of garden you need different color in different pathway. Only one color in a pathway can be.

succulent garden ideas outdoor

succulent garden ideas outdoor

Beautiful Seascape Succulent Planter- If you cannot stay near to beach then you can make this type of garden with the help of seascape on the terra cotta pot.

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succulent garden ideas outdoor

Succulent Garden Chair Planter- Use chicken wire and moss to hold your plant and break the cushion of the old chair and out this moss inside it.

succulent garden ideas outdoor

Succulent Fishing Tackle Box- If you have old fishing tackle box do not throw it .make a beautiful garden with this.

succulent garden ideas outdoor

Desert Spheres- To make garden beautiful, you can hang ball around it. It’s look beautiful.

succulent garden ideas outdoor

Rack against the Wall- If you have old palette makes a beautiful garden with it. You have to put it on the wall so it can hold small container.

succulent garden ideas outdoor

Succulent Dish Garden- If you want to make indoor garden make it with dish. you have to add lots of dish inside it.

succulent garden ideas outdoor

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