Zen Out Your Home For A Calming Retreat: Here Is The Key
Posted in: Architecture,Home Decor,Home Improvement
On August 20, 2021

Let’s be honest: Your home is the place that shows your personal style and provides you all the comfort to rest every night. However, if it is messy, you have the odds to carry a cranky attitude throughout the day that can impact your routine life. You do not want that. Right? 

Here comes the good news – if you just take out little time to create a Zen-like relaxing space, you will be more mindful throughout the rest of your day. So, how can you beat the mess and turn your home into a calming oasis with zen space?

Keep scrolling and you will get all the answers. 

Clean and clear

Zen Out Your Home For A Calming Retreat

source: cachefly.net

The first step in moving towards a zen space is to simplify it. Declutter the place and go minimalist. Get rid of the things that you no longer need. In short – make yourself free from the things that don’t spark joy. 

The most useful method to clean and clear is to establish a sorting system. You can also call it a 3-box method. Take three boxes and mark them as “Keep,” “Toss,” and “store.” Now, put the things in the respective boxes depending upon what you want to do with them. This method is beneficial as it helps visualize how much you actually need and how much you are keeping. All this leads to effectively decluttering the space. 

Opt for the earthy colors

Zen Out Your Home For A Calming Retreat

source: home-designing.com

Going zen at your home is all about incorporating natural colors in soft tones, like grey, white, or shades of beige. These colors have the power to promote a sense of calmness. Additionally, do not forget to create chromatic harmony between the various elements. 

What you can do here is – make the combination of a dominant color with matching objects. For instance – the combination of beige and rosewood looks amazing. Hence, opting for the earthy tones is the surefire way to convert the space into Zen. 

Bring in the greenery

Undoubtedly, indoor plants in the home prove to be extremely therapeutic. And within this, succulents are the best choice since they do not require much care. They come in all shapes and can fit in both big and small spaces. 

Let us tell you an interesting fact here. As per the researchers of NASA, the most beneficial plants are the spider plant and the pothos. Likewise, you can go for the zebra cactus or aloe vera for the splatter of healthy greenery. 

Natural and light fabrics

Zen Out Your Home For A Calming Retreat

source: redfin.com

Choose natural and light fabrics for things ranging from bedding to sofa covers to mats. Some examples of natural fabrics are – cotton and wool to name a few. 

To add more, drapes and upholstery are the two most important elements if we talk about zen décor. These fabrics are the perfect ones to enhance the sense of comfort. Notably, drapes are helpful in blocking the air noise, hence making the area more peaceful.

Simple and natural furniture

Simplicity is at the core of creating a zen space. Steer clear of detailing and excess ornamentation, and instead go for high-quality furniture like massage chairs (for ultimate relaxation), storage pieces (cupboards, closets), etc. Not to mention that the central focus of the zen interiors is the bedroom, so keep it simple. Here are the few things that experts recommend –  

  • Place your bed in such a manner that it makes way for the natural light and keeps the bedroom decorations to a minimum. 
  • If you are a bibliophile, include a comfortable armchair. 

Illuminate it with the lighting

Zen Out Your Home For A Calming Retreat

source: stylemotivation.com

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Illuminating the space with the lights can give a push to you in connecting with yourself. So, it is time to spark up the room with the soft glow to go completely Zen. 

There are multiple options to choose from, like pendant fixtures, dimmer lights, salt lamps, etc. The bonus point here is – it uplifts your mood as well as enhances your cognitive performance. Besides, illuminating the space with soft lights allows you to change the vibes of the room.

Bring in the Buddha

Your mental peace is directly related to the vibes of the place where you live. And Buddha statues are regarded as the icons that bring in the sense of harmony and peace. But here comes the important question – where to place this statue, and what is the reason behind it?

First, it is not necessary to buy a large or bejeweled Buddha. A symbolic Buddha sandal is enough to do wonders for you. Talking about its placement, experts suggest placing it on a carved altar or a low wood platform. You can then cover the altar with a clean cloth and add a flower vase. With this, your meditation point is ready. 

Aromatherapy is the new norm

Zen Out Your Home For A Calming Retreat

source: home-designing.com

If you are looking for natural ways to enhance the space with fresh and soothing scents, then aromatherapy is the answer. It not only enhances relaxation but works well when it comes to your overall health. Hence, remember to place aromatherapy diffusers in your room. 

How does the process work? The essential oils in aromatherapy work towards activating the limbic system of the brain. This limbic system is the part that manages the behavioral and emotional responses. You can opt for oils such as lavender. It comes with multiple benefits like calming the nervous system, lowering the heart rate, and many more. So, promote a deeper sense of calmness and instill aromatherapy around you.

To sum it all up

Making the zen space at home eliminates the negative influences, thereby leading to a peaceful environment. It takes you to the whole new journey of being more mindful. You just need to put in a few efforts and ensure to let go of the things that can be a hindrance in achieving a zen state of mind.

At last, Shunryu Suzuki can’t be more right when he said – 

“Zen is not some kind of excitement, but concentration on our usual everyday routine.”

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