How to Organize the Closet in the Simplest Ways?
Posted in: Home Decor,Home Improvement
On October 7, 2020

We all often come across difficult to find clothes, at the time you need it, which takes a lot of time of yours. Then you hit upon and think that isn’t it, I should organize my closet, to not to face any trouble? It’s hard to get time when you are in a hurry to reach your office, or any occasion. So, instead, you waste your time in search of cloth. You must take out some time to arrange. After you locate it completely arranged, you are trouble-free from finding clothes, and also you will save your time. As we know, ‘time is money’ and in very few minutes you will be ready to go to your office, occasions, etc.

When you have an organized cabinet, it makes everything easier for you, which means you can easily get your sweater, your pair of jeans, a jacket, at the moment you need it. After knowing all your troubles I have tried to explain in brief, how you all can organize it simply and rapidly? Let’s explore the best ways to organize the closet:

Steps to plan

Organize the Closet


How you’ll organize the closet will slightly depend on how much space you have, the size of your cabinet, and the way you lead life. On the basis of all these, the seven common steps can be practical to any attire:

– Collect all the supplies including a “toss” box too, with a measuring tape to decide whether it’s worthy to keep and maintain the position of other supplies.

– Completely empty it, take out every supply, including your winter clothes, summer season clothes, shoes, organizers, etc.

– Clean and make it sparkling and fresh.

Declutter your wardrobe, look at the clothes and decide about the things that are no longer in need of you, then try to donate or recycle, or sell the clothing items, shoes, and accessories, to those who are in need.

– Access the storage of your wardrobe, find the space for particular materials, and think about a solution that everything is going to be fixed in a manner that can handle clothes, shoes, and accessories.

– Systematize clothes, shoes, and accessories back into your wardrobe, in a particular place for each of them, try to group them with similar kinds of materials, and keep your most worn items in front of the closet.

– Come up with preparation to maintain your organized closet so that it never becomes a procreation ground for clutter another time. This is how you can save your time once more, by complete the preparation and arrangement of your materials.

What do you need to categorize?

Organize the Closet


The primary step to arrange is to have a look at your supplies and clothes in your hand that is worthy to keep in before you dive within. Resist the recommendation to begin this plan after a long day of work. To organize your closet for a long pull, you’ve got to carry out a slight prep work and look on the calendar, which day you can commit to this process which takes two to three hours, and that is maintained for a long period of time.

Below are the rapid organization ideas:

Catch-all container: This is the container to carry all the little things that give you sudden surprise when you get your hand in pockets and you find small receipts, papers, hairpins, rubber bands, loose change, you don’t have to stop or think in the middle. Just let it go inside the catch-all container.

Tape measure: You may forget again and again about what is the size and design of your wardrobe, and then it’s better to carry a notebook and a writing tool, in which you can note down about the exact measurements of your wardrobe. To measure the abandon and hanging space for your materials.

Shopping bags: Brawny bags can be used for the transportation of clothes to donation centers, dry cleaners, and tailor. If you don’t have sturdy bags, you can go for boxes and bins that will do in a bit.

Full-length mirror: In case of confusion, to decide between “toss” and “keep”, make sure your mirror can accommodate your intact image. 

Moreover, get an idea about how you are going to get rid of the clothes that are no longer in use, where you can fix up those clothes? (Let’s see forward what can be helpful to you in that condition) you have three options: donate, refuse, or relegate. The two better options are that utmost you should try to donate and relegate as much as possible, while the refuse is only for the items that are beyond to restore or use.

Make it dirt-free

Organize the Closet


If you are used to thrusting clothes into your section, so I think you should be ready for the surprise you are going to get is, when you will take out all your materials that were shoved back into the wardrobe, you may probably find something that you were searching earlier. Remove everything from your wardrobe, each and every hanger, box, basket, and whatever thing else that might be on the floors or shelves.     

You need to make it clear, clean the space to plan the arrangement in your wardrobe, and envisage how you are going to restructure? First, you will swipe the shelves and hanging rods. Next, run the sweep or vacuum from the shelves and floor to each and every corner of your wardrobe, and mop the base. Lastly, wipe the shelves, hanging rods, walls, and baseboards down with an all-good purpose cleaner. Don’t forget to have a bin or basket beside you to collect all the dirt and dust, as the cleanliness of your surroundings is important. Just follow these above steps, to get a pleasant result.

Declutter your shoes, outfit, and accessories    

Organize the Closet


Now, this is the part, you have either been looking forward to or frightened. As this is the time where you have to make choices between the clothes you loved, it is terrifying for few people to declutter because they love to hold on to things that can be used one day/fits in style or it can become a need. But you must focus on what you have to keep rather than thinking about what you are getting rid of. If you need help, check out this record of signs it’s time to get divest of.

Choose wisely when you are giving up valuable real domain and be prepared to separate and arrange clothes in separate piles, as the closet contains finite space. Below four options can clear you out what you should do?

Keep: Look for the things you love and like to wear, hold them completely to a specific place, and don’t let them mix with other bins.

Donate: These items should be in a better manner and shape. Think kindly, when adding to this stack.

Consign: To relegate or sell your clothes, shoes, accessories it should be in well-maintained condition. If you sell it to a consign store, then the name of the brand depends.

Trash: accessories that are ripped discolored, beyond the repair, desperately out of the style, or anything that you feel discomfited to donate.

Whenever you are confused to decide and get stuck to the point that you should keep it or not, then ask yourself few questions that might help you to make a clear decision for the next step, the question you can ask yourself are:

        Do you like it?

        Does it portray the view you thought for?

        Would you like to wear it further?

If you get the answers to all the three questions, then you can carry on with your decision whether to keep it or not. Place them confidently, to their respective places.

If it is very hard to make a decision then prefer to have one more bin “maybe”. Try to visit this bin once in one, three, or six months later. If you didn’t remember about your ‘maybe’ bin, also you did not try to wear those accessories then you must donate or consign them.

Buy organizers

Organize the Closet


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Thinking, for the right space of your particular solutions in your cabinet, might be challenging for you. In conclusion, we have got many great choices for storage solutions, adding cabinet tactics along with us, but most of the people might think of installing an organizer which can be familiar, and also a few budget tools.

Tips for storage

Let me clear you that it is not going to increase the amount of space in your cabinet. But yes, however, the closet organization, closet system, and storage space solution can help you to make more space available to you. What does it really mean? Look below:

A footstep stool will make it easier for you to reach the pinnacle of the shelf of your wardrobe.

Horizontal storage space can be filled with the help of a double hanger in it.

Behind and below the doors, shoe rack can twist your door into an ideal place to hoard either your shoes, garnishes, or both.

If you are thinking about buying a new one, then don’t think. Why expense that when you own a good one in your home? Measure the space, look for what you have, and plan accordingly. Buy only for that you need to store, if possible. Small bookcases, cubbies, and containers are good enough to store shoes, gym clothes, handbags, etc.

In conclusion, measure your closet three times before you buy a new storage solution. Nothing is worse than making your home to behave like a cart.

Arrange your clothes and accessories  

Organize the Closet


Put back everything that you have decided to keep, in a way that looks attractive to motivate continuance and make sense to you, utilize all of the accessible space. Think about where one can be fitted perfectly to that place, which place makes a sense to horde each category of clothing and consider the easiest place of your wardrobe, where you can reach simply.

Gather like with similar: Prepare a particular column for a particular cloth like jeans, sweater, jacket, pants, long-sleeves shirt, shorts, etc, and decide to place them at their respective places. For example: hang pants and place sweaters in the bureau.

Prime space utilization: The clothes you like to wear most of the time, manage them in the middle and front of the closet. If you have clothes that you wear to your workplace, keep them in the very front, so that you are rapidly ready to go. Less-worn clothes can be kept on the backside or in the upper part of the closet.

Least used items: Items that you wear once or twice in a year, like Halloween or fancy costumes, can be set aside or on the top of the cabinet.

Shoes and accessories can be held together, but not with clothing, also keep the other rules of arrangements in mind. Like you arranged your clothes, similarly keep those pairs of shoes in front which are worn maximum, and the least can be reserved on the backside.

Maintaining your newly systematic wardrobe

Organize the Closet


How can you maintain it for long? Try to maintain the wardrobe as it is, by keeping your used one properly again. The more frequently you work on its maintenance, the less time it will take. Go through your closet and make a quick change once in a month and then try to re-organize twice in a year.

Make it easy for yourself, by following the steps and rules we have discussed above. Also follow the cleaning schedule, either by weather, seasons or by dates or by any event. Next time, you won’t find any trouble to re-organize it, because once you have maintained it then you would not find any extra piece of clothing, which is a good sign for you.

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